Become a Conscious Creator

of Your Ideal Life

 Break free from your limiting beliefs and harness the power of your thinking to fulfill your unique purpose

You have a unique part to play 

in this world that only you can fulfill

Are you living life trapped in a rat race

trying to be "good enough" and "successful" ?

Free yourself from fear

Discover your true self

Create your ideal life using the power of thought


There is more to life

When we are born, we are fully connected to our true selves and are able to experience the excitement and joy of life in the present moment. However, as we develop, our minds consciously and unconsciously form beliefs about who we are, what we are supposed to do, and what it means to be successful. All too often, we lose sight of our true selves and end up living life according to the dictates of our family, friends, schools, society, media, and culture. There’s a much better way to live life… 

When we are born, we are fully connected to our true selves and are able to experience the excitement and joy of life in the present moment. However, as we develop, our minds consciously and unconsciously form beliefs about who we are, what we are supposed to do, and what it means to be successful. All too often, we lose sight of our true selves and end up living life according to the dictates of our family, friends, schools, society, media, and culture. There’s a much better way to live life… 

The time to start is Now!

I want to show you how to live your ideal life through a unique philosophy and approach I’ve created through my own personal and professional journey. I want to help you, and as many people as possible, learn to take conscious control of your mind so you can create a life of meaning, purpose, and joy – one that you were innately designed to live. The more people we can move from living life driven by fear and anger to one driven by love and passion, the greater the lasting positive impact on the world we will be able to make. I hope you join me in that journey and mission today.

Lisa Manzi Lentino, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

The time to start is Now!

I want to show you how to live your ideal life through a unique philosophy and approach I’ve created through my own personal and professional journey. I want to help you, and as many people as possible, learn to take conscious control of your mind so you can create a life of meaning, purpose, and joy – one that you were innately designed to live. The more people we can move from living life driven by fear and anger to one driven by love and passion the greater the lasting positive impact on the world we will be able to make. I hope you join me in that journey and mission today

Lisa Manzi Lentino, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Become a conscious creator of your ideal life

Modules, Workbooks, Webinars, and Community

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